
I gotta say, Madewell has got to be my all time fav store ever! Everything is made of excellent quality, customer service is amazing, and not to mention their cheap sale items as well as additional student discount! 

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Watching chick flicks and dramas lately has me becoming naive again about love...
Though I know these scenarios are just a cleaned up, beautified version of love, I cant help thinking that there is that one person for me...
the person that I can be myself with, the person that will love me for me...
is that so hard to find?... 

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  • May 23 Mon 2011 01:46
  • Blog

I have such a hard time keeping up with my blog. It seems like whenever I remember, it is when something sad occurs and I want to pour my heart out to my blog...trying to find someone out there that is going through the same things that I'm going through. And maybe what I write on here will bring some comfort to those in need...

lately my life have been so simple...yet my emotions have been fluctuating like a rollercoaster. Sometimes I feel like I'm bipolar...

I don't think I'm a negative person but anything regarding you have made me pessimistic and cynical...yet I still have hope even after you have explicitly told me "We will not be together" 

My astral projection is staring at me and laughing at how stupid I am...yet I can't help it

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Need to stop trying, stop thinking, stop changing 

Nothing will change the end result


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最近睡覺時間都太誇張了~ 半夜4-5點才睡覺. 今天本來要早點睡...但躺在床上又睡不著~ 一直打哈欠可是頭腦還是不停得在想事情. 明天真的要早起把時間調回來~

最近心情有比較平靜一點. 這次回到家裡是有好多一些...說真的沒有讀到書可是待在家的時候很chill...雖然也是都很晚睡但是都睡得很飽...可能是床的關係 XD

不過現在比較不會胡思亂想了...因為我一直告訴我自己不要在為同樣的事情難過了. 要振作起來...世界還很大~ 還有很多事情, 很多人要去認識. 但我常常跟他相除的時候我有時候還是會想很多...去之前想很多...回到家也想很多...但是有慢慢減少了. 希望可以慢慢堅持下去

我這個人就是很想要當個偶像劇裡面的善解人意的女主角...可以一直分不顧身的付出 希望之後有完美的結果...雖然這個結果不是瞬間...連以後有可能我都願意

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 我最近聽到看到很多mv都在講失戀~ 聽了都好想哭 好多情感想要寫他讓他知道我的感受~但是忽然間會出現一手歌 的女主角很可愛, 很善解人意, 很勇敢. 我就心裡想想 我想要當那位勇敢的女主角而不是那位被甩了難過的女主角...但我又想要給他看我的心 讓他知道他對我來講很重要 但又不想要給他感覺我很脆弱...好矛盾... 

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Saw this on one of my friend's fb today...



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今天終於看到真正的歌詞是什麼. 我一值都很喜歡這首歌但都不是很確定它再講什麼~



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Que sera sera

Whatever will be will be

I believe I've done all I can. I admit, it may have not been the best method or written as perfect as I would've liked. was now or never...

I do feel relieved despite the fact that he didn't reply...but I can't deny the fact that I do feel disappointed and sad.

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這一個 weekend 感覺很奇妙

可能是覺得開學會很多朋友聚聚但Friday 一下班大家都有事之後還是去買個便當帶回家一個人邊吃邊看電視


感覺有種獨立 nothing standing in my way 的感覺

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